batch file to map network drive prompt username and password

Restart the computer. Automated windows processes. Try These 11 Fixes! In our HP example, we will go into the UPD folder and then the PCL folder. Script 1 to get credentials. # with credentials (PowerShell will prompt for username and password) # New-PSDrive -Name "Z" -Root "\\server\share" -Persist -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Credential "domain\username". To map a network drive using T as the drive letter and without username password-protected, use the following guide: Connect to a command prompt by clicking on start and search for cmd. To map a network drive, type the following command and then hit Enter: net use DRIVE: PATH. If so it may need a delay for processing when the connection is deleted. On the notepad application, create a Batch script named TEST. Second Bug: The username and password defaults have changed. Then get the hash of the file ( certutil -hashfile password.txt > hashfile.txt ). And because we live in an integrated world, Windows users need to map their Windows desktops to the IFS as network drives, so they can access this information the same way they access folders on other Windows servers. As long as they are logging in with the same password needed to map the drive you can just add "/user:DOMAIN\USERNAME" into your net use command, use system variables to replace the DOMAIN\USERNAME. map windows network drive.ps1. Add a new username/password combo for the specified server and you should be golden. A window asking for your username and password will pop up at this point. Apart from the app crashing problem, File . Start a command-line prompt. There are multiple methods to map network drives. Right-click the batch file and select the Copy option. Right click 'My Computer' -> 'Map Network Drive'. Map network drive on Windows 10 with Command Prompt. Click Next. Congratulations! However, it has occasional moments of failure that make it difficult for you to access your files. & pause & goto :eof set /p share=Please enter the name of a share, e.g. With NetExtender, remote users can virtually join the remote network. Map system drive (C:) of remote computer Users can mount network drives, upload and download files, and access resources in the same way as if they were on the local network. \\Server\HR if not defined share echo Share name required. Start Your Free Data Science Course. See if the mapped network drive persists across reboot. Select the Drive Letter (I choose Z in my example), Type or Browse to the Server Share, Check . Call the function of the Batch script. The net use command will then attempt to map the drive using the supplied domain & username along with there cached password (the one used to login) Hi, As far as I know there is no solution that allows you to secure your password in batch file. Here is the script result. DRIVE is the drive letter you want to use and PATH is the full UNC path to the share. Mapping OneDrive to Windows. However, like most Windows tasks, you can map a network share with PowerShell. Example: In File Explorer I'll put in the address \\server name 3. Click the Drive drop-down menu and choose the drive letter you want to assign, then enter the address of the shared folder to which you want to map the . statement. When the user attempts to enter a password, you do the same thing, redirect their password to a file, get the hash and store it. Last edited 22nd October 2009 at 02:06 PM. Create a function to request the user input. Right-click and open as "Run as administrator". We then just need to find the .inf file that is used. In the Value data box, type 1. You need a subscription to comment. 6. To get other options and a full list of all the options. As a final thought, due to possible limitations in your chosen scripting method, you may need to also to ensure that invalid / poison characters are not . Very simple: Go to cmd prompt (press start button click on run and type there cmd and press enter) after. Note! Then choose the Map Network Drive option. To run a script on the Windows 10 startup, use these steps: Open File Explorer. Press the Windows key + E shortcut to open a File Explorer window. Home. 2. Open This PC by launching File Explorer ( WIN+E) and selecting This PC from the navigation pane. You need a subscription to watch. get into notepad editor and enter statements like this with all the files you want to copy one line for each. Hey all, stuck against a bit of a wall, here. So, now to map a drive I have to include the WORKGROUP that the server is a part of in my username. Here, we will use the hpcu118c.inf file, and in it, we see HP Universal Printing PCL 6 is the name of the driver. There is a limitation in Windows Group Policy which does not allow a mapped network drive to be created with "Connect As" option , i.e. Second script would map network drive (net use so it is visible in File Explorer) using encrypted credentials. After the restart, the mapped network drive will be removed from the File Explorer. Use this option to specify the drive letter or printer port you want to map the network resource to. Click OK, and exit Registry Editor. Restart Windows. Restart. The net use command will then attempt to map the drive using the supplied domain & username along with there cached password (the one used to login) Active Directory & GPO . 22nd October 2009, 02:06 PM #4 . I have a bunch of vista computers and I need them to automatically map a network drive whenever the user logs in. This would open the network drive in explorer. To use the net command to map a shared folder as a drive, use these steps: Open Start on Windows 10. 4. In the batch file, you need the " " to cope with the gap in the path. Create a batch file that maps the drive as follows: net use X: \\\Staff /user: // this will prompt for a username and password. now press control Z key (for saving batch file) K: if not defined drive echo Drive letter required. That's what I have so far. so it prompts for a hidden password once and will still allow you to do multiple shares. 3. disconnected the mapped drive using "NET USE /DELETE". net use f: \\DEVSRV\c$. 6. net use T: \\server\share2$. Quick note: If you run the command as an administrator, the drive may not mount correctly and won't appear in File . Once the network share is mapped, you can start using it like a local drive. The Name is like the drive letter. Here is the VPN batch file I use all the time. To do so, specify the drive letter to map the network drive to followed by the UNC path of the remote file share. Click Map Network Drive; I know, it was hidden :) 3. Open explorer and specify drive letter in the address bar(Z:) You can also do 'start Z:' from command prompt. 2. copy the file. Windows Thread, Batch file to map network drive in Technical; I would like to create a batch file to map a Windows share as a network drive, and need to . Next step continue with action. As far as the hiding of password entry is concerned, I'd suggest you use vbscript / html|hta solution, which could either be directly scripted or created and run directly from the batch file. 3 - Drag the .bat file to the window and hit enter so you can watch it process. Restart. Execute the net use command alone to show detailed information about currently mapped drives and devices. On the next page, enter the URL of the WebDAV folder in the box named Internet or network address and click Next. Right-click on the network share that you want to delete and select delete. I personally leave it the way it is and just add one more line: del .bat. window. Entering the credentials using the prefix "localhost" (localhost\username) telling Windows to use a local account. Full Article. Point of this is so user can enter username and password once and on reboot computer will log into mapped drive automatically. Password required when trying to map a network drive or access another computer's files I am trying to set up a home network, with one computer being used as a file server. Copy-paste the below command and click Enter: net use T: \\networkShare\Test. your batch file should run. : Net use k:\\ Vignesh\test. Since I am mapping an external network drive, I added a cmdkey.exe command to add the user credentials to the Credential Manager, once it was added I then net use the network drive and folder to the Z drive. In order to run a .bat file created before , we have to select as action Start a Program. File network . Select the Computer tab at the top and then click the Map network drive button. and then save the file as either a cmd or bat file. In years past, automating network drive creation required the use of primitive batch files, luckily for us you can now do it through PowerShell. Select your network drive, and disconnect it. Here we will see the following: E.g. then get into a command prompt, change to the directory where you've stored the cmd or bat file and type the name in. Win10 prepends the username with the workgroup or domain name in front of your username, regardless of what it's showing you. Open a command prompt or PowerShell console as administrator. This short shell script (batch file) will prompt you to enter a user name. Create a new batch file with the follwing: Open a command prompt and type: NET HELP USE. 1. map the network folder using dos command 'NET USE' (by running XP cmdshell) - you need to provide username and passwrod here. Search for Command Prompt and click the top result to open the console. Re-map the network drive using a different drive letter. It is important that user credentials are encrypted. net use \\domain.local\\ password /USER:domain.local . domainname/domainadmin and the password in the password box. The window that pops up is the Add Network Place Wizard. To map a network share, run a command similar to the one below: New-PSDrive -Name "N" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\DESKTOP-SIAQMO1\Log Files". However, there is always at least one trick. Solution 2. But we're getting ready to switch over to vista, but the login script doesn't work under vista. Regrettably, this particular solution only works when the shares are all on a single server. with credentials different than that of the user . Step 1: Open the OneDrive home page on your desktop and log in to your account. These three lines can be concatenated into a single command line expression, by using ampersands (&). Command Line. You need a subscription to comment. It works fine up until it gets up to a folder that the current user cannot access, it then asks for a username and password instead of erroring and . computername = is the computeer wher the share exists. Here's the CORRECT answer. Click Next. Download and open the example.txt file with Notepad or any text viewer. So, for example, if we wanted to map drive letter S to the share \\tower\movies, we'd use the following command: net use s: \\tower\movies. Click Next. Pick a letter from the menu you want the network drive to be identified as. In our example, we created a function named MYPING. DRIVE is the drive letter you want to use and PATH is the full UNC path to the share. Enter the other computer's name/administrator or. . 2. copy the file. 2 - Open command prompt window. To map a network drive, type the following command and then hit Enter: net use DRIVE: PATH. 2. sharename = is the name of the share. To remove network mapped drives either select "Disconnect" (right-click on "Computer" or "My Computer"), or via command line enter: net use H: /delete. Is the original connection to the share setup by the VPN connection? Windows 7 is able to process all the commands from the previous versions of Windows, plus a few extra ones. LinkBack. I need to write a batch file that maps a network drive but uses a different user name and password to log on to that network share. In this example, script will: Prompt the user to enter their server access credentials, more specifically their network User name and Password (masked with asterix * symbol) 1 - Reboot the machine to clear everything out. 2. 5. Following is a batch file which allows you to map a network drive, but it also includes ability to enter credentials and mask passwords. Using Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), NetExtender allows remote clients seamless, secure access to resources on your local network. Win10 prepends the username with the workgroup or domain name in front of your username, regardless of what it's showing you. Our community of experts have been thoroughly vetted for their expertise . Re-map the network drive using a different drive letter. Click Browse to find the program you want to start, and then click Next. type there your second exe file name and press enter. Then compare the files. Batch script to map particular network drive. Windows. When you see the Map Network Drive window, as shown in Figure B, you use the Drive drop-down to select a drive letter. No Comments. Create a .bat file with: NET USE "IlfserverCOMMON DATA" Z: /PERSISTANT. 5. After the OneDrive home page opens up, right-click on the option that says File just . devicename = the dive letter for the map drive. The File Explorer or Windows Explorer is the best built-in application to organize and manage your important files & folders on Windows. You can open the network share in explorer with the drive letter. Batch File Map Network Drive using a different user name and password. type there your first exe file name and press enter. If the user enters something, then the script run the net use command using the username the user entered, and it will prompt for the password to map the drive. net use \\Server\ /user:%name% *. Repeat the above procedure for each mapped network drive on the computer. Example: In File Explorer I'll put in the address \\server name 3. Use the Windows . Let's map the drive letter F: to the DEVSRV server file share C$. - posted in Windows 10 Support: Hi We have a network share ( say for example if I access from windows -> run -> and then \\\\x.x.x.x. Copy the file to each PC in the a directory called UTILS for example. To see what drives are mapped/available either look under "Computer" (or "My Computer"), or via command line enter Net Use . 4. Double-click ProviderFlags value. Open to the folder containing the batch file. I was able to figure this out and I want to post the answer because I am sure there are many others with the same question. 5. type there copy con a.bat and press enter. Then . In Windows 7, the Map Network Drive command appears on the Command Bar. While it's easy enough to create a command line shortcut to net use which maps the drive, due to the number of drives I interact with mapping a drive is out of the question. Second script would map network drive (net use so it is visible in File Explorer) using encrypted credentials. But when I go to Computer Management -> Local Users and Groups -> none of the network users are listed just local users and I just want any network user even if they haven't logged into the computer before to install the network printers at startup and is there a way delete the old printers. Home. Hadoop, Data Science, Statistics & others. Note: this tutorial expects that you are using PowerShell 3.0. Enter the path, and click 'Connect using a different username and password' Input the appropriate username and password. You need to crete a mapped network drive within a VDI user session which will connect with different credentials from the credentials of the logged on user. For a shared folder on the network, specify a drive letter from D: through Z:, and for a shared printer, LPT1: through LPT3:. net use X: \\computer2\Photos. In the batch file, you need the " " to cope with the gap in the path. Script 1 to get credentials. Credits to user LeeB1430 for the above fix. From Windows Explorer: 1. Double Click file MapDrive.bat 7. Save it as c:\Tools\MyVPN.bat, then create two new Desktop shortcuts: - Shortcut 1: c:\Tools\MyVPN.bat (to establish the VPN) - Shortcut 2: c:\Tools\MyVPN.bat xxx (to kill the VPN) To get other options and a full list of all the options. Point of this is so user can enter username and password once and on reboot computer will log into mapped drive automatically. (H: in this example, only) You need a subscription to watch. The simple and foremost way of mapping a network drive is to use a command prompt and run the following command. It looks like this: ::Onboarding net use m: /delete net use m: \\BOB\onboarding ::Bookings net use n: /delete net use n: \\BOB\bookings ::Accounts net use j: /delete net use j: \\BOB\accounts. That's what I have so far. statement. For example in this case you can use some software to convert your batch file to exe this will make your source code secure out of box. So, now to map a drive I have to include the WORKGROUP that the server is a part of in my username. 1. map the network folder using dos command 'NET USE' (by running XP cmdshell) - you need to provide username and passwrod here. This can be any letter in the list. Use the See more menu button (the three dots) at the top of the window to select Map network drive. Create a .bat file with: NET USE "IlfserverCOMMON DATA" Z: /PERSISTANT. Second Bug: The username and password defaults have changed. Rename Extension file .txt .bat 6. My Computer Drive T 8. I have successfully connected the computers into a single workgroup and can see all computers in my 'Network', but whenever I try to access another computer or map a drive . In the Map Network Drive window, fill in or browse for the network share. devicename. 3. disconnected the mapped drive using "NET USE /DELETE". This way, I drop it in a user's startup folder and it will run once and that's it. In the past, we've used a login script and a .bat file to create the shares. It is important that user credentials are encrypted. Entering the credentials using the prefix "localhost" (localhost\username) telling Windows to use a local account. Sometimes it's just easier to setup a batch file to set up a mapped network drive. If you're a Network . Then create a shortcut on each users desktop that they can execute when necessary the points to the batch file in C:\UTILS. Batch script - Prompting for user input using a function. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . Our community of experts have been thoroughly vetted for their expertise . Thanks CleaverX, The .vbs script works if I just run it on the computer. Several restarts to confirm that reconnect after login actually works without entering the password. LinkBack URL; . then do your shares: net use Z: \\server\share1$. Go to your Start Menu and then Right-Click on Computer. So to create a batch file that will map a drive to different computers that are sharing folders, we'll use the following commands: net use W: \\computer1\MP3. 4. Browser to the next path - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network. Several restarts to confirm that reconnect after login actually works without entering the password. Right click 'My Computer' -> 'Disconnect Network Drive'. Run as new task scheduler .bat file. First, put the password you want to use in a file ( echo password1234 > password.txt ). As long as they are logging in with the same password needed to map the drive you can just add "/user:DOMAIN\USERNAME" into your net use command, use system variables to replace the DOMAIN\USERNAME. So, for example, if we wanted to map drive letter S to the share \\tower\movies, we'd use the following command: net use s: \\tower\movies. I need to write a batch file that maps a network drive but uses a different user name and password to log on to that network share. I have struggled for the last six months and have developed an elaborate batch file to remap my home network drives on my laptop; as Windows 10 doesn't always find them again. & pause & goto :eof set /p user=Please enter the username for the target domain if not defined user echo . Click This PC from the left navigation pane. To remove network mapped drives either select "Disconnect" (right-click on "Computer" or "My Computer"), or via command line enter: net use H: /delete. You will also set the drive letter to which you would like to assign the share. Many IBM i software packages store stream file data like PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, emails, Web pages, and log files on the Integrated File System (IFS). Batch File Map Network Drive using a different user name and password. net use Driveletter: Path to be mapped. To do this on the command prompt or .bat file type: net use drive letter . It opens a . @echo off set /p drive=Please enter a drive letter, e.g. (H: in this example, only) On the mapped network drive that you want to delete, right-click, and delete. Worked like a . To see what drives are mapped/available either look under "Computer" (or "My Computer"), or via command line enter Net Use . Click Windows Start Button, Computer. Go to My Network Places, and click on Add Network Place at the top of the left sidebar. Open a command prompt and type: NET HELP USE. What I'd like to do is use some sort of application (or a batch file) to just launch an explorer window already pointed to the share, with the credentials already entered.

batch file to map network drive prompt username and password