power query if text contains multiple values

Power Query - Transform Comma Seperated Values in a Cell into Their Own Rows. In this case the 2nd parameter is each Text.Contains((FindStrings[TextCol]), _ ). each field have a field name, and a field value. You can also use the Find function: Find (find_text, within_text, optional start_index) Yet another way to do it is to use the Left function: Power Query 'if and' statements are equally easy. The List.Select function creates a list containing 0 and 10000. Using "contains" inside powerapps. #1. It allows you to make comparisons between a value and what you're looking for. 2 - Once in the Power Query editor > Home tab > Advance Editor > select all > copy/paste the following M code: EDITED: Code updated (added step in bold) for a more accurate match in case of Country names like: Netherlands. Click click Home -> Merge Queries. Source. When you want to replace values in a column, you can either: 1. The M-language conditional statement has two possible results. rgruian. Split column by Delimiter option in Power Query and Power BI. Comparers can be used to provide case insensitive or culture and locale aware comparisons. I've tried the formula: = Table.SelectRows(#"Sorted Rows", each List.Contains(MED_NAME_LIST, Text.Lower([Name]))) However this does not work as the Column [Name] does not exactly match those items in the list (e.g. function (optional text as nullable any, substring as text, optional comparer as nullable function) as nullable any. Usage powerquery-m List.Contains ( {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 3) Output true You can right-click a value within a column and click on Replace Values. The trick is that Power Query custom function can return any single object. In other terms, = if something is true and something else is true then "true" else "false". Power Query IF AND specifies two conditions to be evaluated ( simultaneously) for stating them as true or yielding the desired output. Split Column by Example, can do this in just a few clicks. Power Query Replace Text if it Contains A Certain Word or Group of Words. In its most basic form, replacing values in Power Query is easy. Rain, Sunny etc) Would like to perform "vlookup" for Table A and search for items in table B column 1 only rows that contain EXACT string in table A and . Method 1: Using IF Function (Cell Contains Specific Text) Method 2: Using ISNUMBER and SEARCH Function (Cells Contain Specific Text) Method 3: Using IF and Exact Function (Cells Contain Exact Text) Method 4: Using IF and COUNTIF Function. There is an important text function available on Power BI i.e. In other words to test if a value contains any of multiple item. The entire query looks like this . It detects whether the text's text contains the text's substring. The text is also mixed case so I need to do a Text.Lower([Column]) in there as well. I feel like this should work because the filter is just a list of true and false, but this logic does not work on the row "Filtered Rows" . Create a named range "InputString" which contains . 3. I used "This" as the parameter name so you will get This [Text] which is quite readable. If iphone or mifi are selected then hotspot number is visible. Load the original data table into Power Query. Use List.Accumulate to search for text strings in Power Query and create a list of the matches. Remove the Filter List column. That will bring up the following code: let. Any suggestions on how to replace the values in the Description column if the contain a certain word or group of words? 1 - Format your Countries list as a Table and name it i.e. <code>comparer</code> is a <code>Comparer</code> which is used to control the comparison. Let's walk through the following steps: When you right click on the column, you can choose Split column, and then by Delimiter. Let's look at an example using some employee salary data shown below: We want to add a column to calculate bonuses for the Executive level employees. Create your keyword list - as a List. Detects whether text contains the value substring. Description. Returns true if value is found in the list, false otherwise. How do I check for this input using an If statement? Thread starter bbalch; Start date Jan 3 . Example 1 Find if the list {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} contains 3. Right-click on a column -> Select Replace Values. From these three functions, the last two can check if a list contains either one or all of multiple values. The way the multiple conditions work is based on the following pattern: if [Column Name1] = "Condition" and [Column Name 2] = "Condition" then "Result" else if [Column Name1] = "Condition2" and [Column Name 2] = "Condition2" then "Result2" else if [Column Name1] = "Condition3" and [Column Name 2] = "Condition3" then "Result3" else "Unknown Result" In Power Query, you can include or exclude rows according to a specific value in a column. In the Merge dialog box, select the two matching columns, and use a right-outer merge. Once you get your keyword list as a table, use the Convert Table to List function on the Transform ribbon to convert to data type List. To avoid the possibility of conflicting rules, clear all conditional formatting from ColumnA (assumed because OP does not say where the data is), select it and apply a Custom formula is of: =regexmatch(A1,"blue|green|orange|red|white") Select your formatting and Done. Open the Advanced Options and notice the default Aggregate Value Function is set on Sum. Detects whether the text text contains the text substring. Record : Is a single record structure with one or more fields. I would like to show these records to the user. Data cleanup and transformation is one of the main purposes of the PowerQuery. Text.Remove Removes all occurrences of the given character or list of characters from the input text value. The logic in English is: if the Level is Executive AND the Target Met is Yes, then calculate the bonus as Salary x 5%, otherwise zero bonus . Hi there, Just wondering if anyone could assist me on the below exercise: Table A has only Clean ID (123456789) or (414141)Table B has column1, complex ID (**123456789*abc5489 or qwe*414141) and column 2 which is result I want to return (e.g. List.Contains: . I have a text input that must contain both numbers and letters in order for the user to proceed. I need my Power Query to filter a given table so that everything beginning with "FOL/" and "CREDIT" in the column "Name" (eg. You can call it what you like really. For more information see Create, load, or edit a query in Excel. Open the Power Query editor and add a Custom Column called BonusRates and add this code. Thanks for the help in advance! Select the Date column, then add a column containing the weekday by clicking Add Column -> Date -> Day -> Day Name. Indicates whether the list list contains the value value.Returns true if value is found in the list, false otherwise. If you wanted to do a search for keywords in the text of a column or multiple columns you could use the find all feature in Excel. The others are stated false and returned with a different value or parameter. Let's look at the code. In its most basic form, replacing values in Power Query is easy. It's important to remember this columns in Power query can be wrapped in { [Column A]} to return a list so you can use list functions. Then by counting the items in this list, I can use that number to return the 2nd item in the Rate column which is 0.1, or 10%. May 20, 2021. Enter the following options on the Add Conditional Column dialog box: New Column Name: Sunday Premium. So for each item in WordList, call Text.Contains to check if that item is in the current row of the TextCol column. Power Apps. But if this was something. In the resulting Pivot Column dialog, we confirm that it will use the names in the Label column to create the . A simple solution I'm sure, but I can't find it anywhere. 2. When you did the merge, Power Query wrote the M code shown below for you, which you can see in the Advanced Editor. 2 REPLIES judspud Solution Supplier 03-03-2020 07:13 AM Hi @Gazsim44 You could use the OR function. Power Query Editor iteration. It first determines whether a condition is met or not. Or it can be multiple value objects such as Record, List, and Table. Now let's bring this together to get the wildcard filter to work. function (optional text as nullable any, optional removeChars as nullable any) as nullable any and that object can be simple structure object such as Date, Text, Number. If you have a list named source in Power Query with 10 items, you can access 5th item of the list with this syntax. Text.StartsWith. The others are stated false and returned with a different value or parameter. Now we have to fix this so it is a conditional join. And depending on what all they select, I'm trying to get certain other datacards to be visible. I feel like this should work because the filter is just a list of true and false, but this logic does not work on the row "Filtered Rows" . Power Query - Transform Comma Seperated Values in a Cell into Their Own Rows. IMO better without "Text contains". Depending on the request, the end user will need to pull all locations, some locations, or only one location. This function doesn't support wildcards or regular expressions. Dataset for Download. Split the first character into one column, create an Excel table with the first letter in column 1 and the appropriate match in column 2, then merge the two using Power Query's merge function. if you would like to filter first table on the texts in the second table from . 09-02-2016 02:08 PM. In this article Syntax List.Contains(list as list, value as any, optional equationCriteria as any) as logical About. Filtering a table in PowerQuery generates a Table.SelectRows () function for that Applied Step. Click OK to accept the formula. List.Transform takes a list, in our case the output from the WordList query, and changes, or transforms, that list according to the result of the 2nd parameter. Code: #"Replaced Value" = Table . In other words to test if a value contains any of multiple item. If you want to select only the text values that contain specified characters you can use the List.FindText function. Power BI IF text contains then . Measure = IF (OR (CONTAINS ('Data','Data' [Category],"GP"),CONTAINS ('Data','Data' [Category],"Other Value")), DIVIDE ( [Current Year Actual], [Current Year Budget])) Hope this helps Thanks, George Message 2 of 3 12,215 Views 1 Reply Gazsim44 Pay very close attention to the capitalisation as M code is entirely case-sensitive: if Text.Contains([Product], "AB") and Text.Contains([Product], "CD") then "EF" else //your escape value goes here, like null or "Error" or similar Pete View solution in original post Message 2 of 3 8,746 Views I know how to do it for numbers or text only, but not both. Tried using the following column/formula to look for matches in multiple fields (columns) based on a list of keywords: Power Query: List.ContainsAny({[Column1],[Column2],[Column3]},Keywords) It does work, but only in cases where the entire cell matches the list of keywords. (Maybe I'll write a future post on it.) The first step is to select the column that contains the new column headers, in our case the Label column like this: Next, we click the Transform > Pivot Column command. Text.Contains. The optional argument comparer can be used to specify case-insensitive or culture and locale-aware comparisons. If you need to do this in multiple columns, just list them in the last . And the syntax for this function is: Text.contains(text as nullable text, substring as text, optional comparer as nullable . . is filtered out. Go to the Transform tab -> click on Replace Values. Walkthrough - Power Query Alternative to PivotTable with Text Values. It will do the merge. Indicates whether the text starts with a specified value. You can choose from three methods to filter the values in your column: Sort and filter menu; Cell shortcut menu; Type-specific filter; After you apply a filter to a column, a small filter icon appears in the column heading, as shown in the following . Basic Steps. 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION. 2. To open a query, locate one previously loaded from the Power Query Editor, select a cell in the data, and then select Query > Edit. Text.contains. Table2 > Data tab > Get Data > From Table/Range. We need to click View -> Advanced Editor . Click OK to execute the transformation. ; C reate the function (String) => let //check if values in MyKeywords is in String MatchFound = List.Transform(List.Buffer(MyKeywords), each Text.Contains(String, _, Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)), //index . Expand the Rebates column, include both columns, then click OK. Unable to process template language expressions for action 'Condition_4' at line '1' and column '2485': 'The template language function 'contains' expects its first argument 'collection' to be a dictionary (object), an array or a string. Right-click on a column -> Select Replace Values. An optional equation criteria value, equationCriteria, can be specified to control equality testing. That parameter contains the current table record. Answer (1 of 9): Yes, It can definitely remove the data. Click OK to close and return to the Preview Window. So the multiple choice selection lets people choose as many of the following devices: chromebook, iphone, mifi, usb, jetpack mifi. use Text.Contains. There are two methods to remove null or blank values: Use the AutoFilter. The formula above removes all spaces in the column. Go to the Transform tab -> click on Replace Values. An optional equation criteria value, equationCriteria, can be specified to control equality testing. Next, click Add Column -> Conditional Column. So if they select chromebook then serial number is visible. Power Query IF AND specifies two conditions to be evaluated ( simultaneously) for stating them as true or yielding the desired output. This function returns TRUE if text contains the substring or FALSE if text does not contains the substring . Example, if the user enters ID #'s 4,6, and 12, I would like power query to filter the ID field for all three ID #s. I made a list query called "VList" out of the users entry (excel table), then called that query in the "Main . Right-click on the Source step and select Insert Step After. If Day Name equals Sunday then 1.1 else 1. The settings for the split by delimiter is very simple, you just need to set the delimiter as custom, and type the "\" in the textbox. Purpose of Power Query M Text.Contains Function. Returns whether the text contains the substring. Or it can be multiple value objects such as Record, List, and Table. You want to create a unique column name for each unique value in the month column. A null or blank value occurs when a cell has nothing in it. Sure. So first item of the list will be list{0} source{4} So, for example, if you want to get 3rd item of the [Find] column in replacements table, use: =replacements[Find]{2} Note: Power Query uses 0 base for lists. Result is my main query - Loaded to a Worksheet - where the DataSource is filtered with the values from tableQryParameters, code: let Source = DataSource, countryParam = tableQryParameters[Value] {0}, cityParam = tableQryParameters[Value] {1}, FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(Source, each ( [Country] = countryParam) and ( [City] = cityParam)) in . Consider this sample data You can filter based on either of the column and in fact, powerquery will show you the relevant filters based on the data type. I already found this nice explanation on how to filter using values in a table, but not with wildcards and "begins . The following built-in comparers are available in the formula language: You've probably seen the each keyword in the resulting code, such as: = Table.SelectRows (Source, each [VisitID] < 100) each is the Syntactical Sugar for the following parameter declaration and goes-to operator: (_) =>. This function is used to finds check any repeat ion of string. Go to Transform -> click Pivot Column. When you want to replace values in a column, you can either: 1. Your Merge dialog box will look like this: Now click Ok. The correct syntax in Power Query would be as follows. Looking at the parameters, parameter 1 (the list) is WordList, parameter 2 (the seed/initial state) is an empty string "" and parameter 3 (the accumulator function . In other terms, = if something is true and something else is true then "true" else "false". I have a gallery in one of my screen where i would like show filtered items from a sharepoint list and the filter condition is that a column in the list (PersonEmail) contains User ().Email. The IF function in Power Query is one of the most popular functions. Load data and merge. This has done the trick: = Table.ReplaceValue (#"Reordered Columns",each [RAGQuality],each if Text.Contains ( [RAGQuality], " [Red]") then "n" else if Text.Contains ( [RAGQuality], " [Amber]") then "u" else if Text.Contains ( [RAGQuality], " [Green]") then "l" else [RAGQuality], Replacer.ReplaceText, {"RAGQuality"}) With the new step selected press F2 and rename it to Tab, which is my abbreviation for Table. Power Query Editor iteration. As Values Column make sure the selection states Amount. First I created a brand new query that just pulls my table into Power Query, resulting in the following: Let's go and inspect the code that pulls this in. Then when the specified condition equals true, Power Query returns one result. Let's do this thing. > Replace Values and it produced this code, however, this does not work. In order to allow references to [Text] within the nested function, a custom function is used instead of each. If you like to experiment, you can go to Power Query >Create a Blank Query > Advanced Editor > Replace the source information with > Source = {1,"hello",123}. 05-21-2020 10:18 PM. 3. each field have a field name, and a field value. Returns true if the text is found. Unable to process template language expressions for action 'Condition_4' at line '1' and column '2485': 'The template language function 'contains' expects its first argument 'collection' to be a dictionary (object), an array or a string. The function is declared with a name of a parameter between parentheses followed by =>. Power Query knows which fields belong together by the ID column. I though the way to do this is by naming the files and say in Power Query the "Text.Contains". comparer is a Comparer which is used to control the . This video shows how you can create a condition to check for multiple substrings in a string. There are several ways to accomplish this, the easiest of which is to use the "in" operator: "v-" in yourTextValue. Looking for an alternative to show partial matches as . Record : Is a single record structure with one or more fields. This function is used to detects whether the text value has any substring and this function is case- sensitive. The List.FindText function takes a list and returns the values that contain the specified text value . Example 1 In this post, we will discuss how to handle the case of multiple text values, how Min/Max/Don't Aggregate provide different results, and how to join the text values with the delimiter of your choice. Returns true if the value is found. To pivot the Month column: select the Month column. The trick is that Power Query custom function can return any single object. With the new step still selected, type this into the formula bar. Note that I put in the line feeds to make this more readable. In the Merge window we want to use a Full Outer join between the Total Sales column of the Sales table and the Rebate Band of the Rebates table. Return value . It returns true if the text is found. You can right-click a value within a column and click on Replace Values. Indicates whether the list list contains the value value. Build our own CHOOSE function inside Power Query (or SWITCH if you prefer Power Pivot's DAX version.) eg fo. Returns true if text value text starts with text value substring. it won't pick up "Methylprednisolone Tab" if . Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook () { [Name="Customers"]} [Content] in. 8 Easy Ways to Excel if Cell Contains Text Then Return Value. This video shows how you can create a condition to check for multiple substrings in a string. Sample queries to download . I though the way to do this is by naming the files and say in Power Query the "Text.Contains". Click Home > Merge Queries. and that object can be simple structure object such as Date, Text, Number.

power query if text contains multiple values