wordpress conditionally load plugin

First method: load Wonder plugin JS files in the WordPress footer; Second method: use a third-party plugin to aggregate the JS files and load it as non-render blocking; We will also discuss plugin conditional loading at the end of this tutorial: Plugin conditional loading: only load plugins on selected pages or posts Activate the plugin Disqus Conditional Load Plugin. WS Form Pro. Find out how this works in this blog post: In your functions.php and/or in your plugin file you can use the follwoing function: wp_script_add_data (): Conditional Menus is a simple yet useful WordPress plugin by Themify, which allows you to swap the menus in the theme as per specific conditions. All you need to do now after adding this function is edit the IDs with IDs of pages that use the contact form on. Keep reading for a look at the 10 best WordPress performance plugins. Apply to Gravatars. There are numerous ways of getting this information, from easiest to most time-consuming: Check the <script> or <style> tag. 301 Redirects. Descrio. Autoptimize. Get WordPress Skip to content. Once you activate the plugin, you will see the conditional menus on the Manage Locations tab located in your WP Admin > Appearance > Menus page. Activate the plugin. They tell WordPress what code to display under specific conditions. Before starting development make sure you read and understand everything in this README. Conditional Tags can be used in your Template Files in classic themes to alter the display of content depending on the conditions that the current page matches. LazyLoad is the best free lazy load plugin for WordPress to lazy load images, videos, and iframes on WordPress. Descripcin. It enables debugging of database queries, PHP errors, hooks and actions, block editor blocks, enqueued scripts and stylesheets, HTTP API calls, and more. It's very simple to add Login and Logout without any plugin. iskeyword, formatexpr, etc. Page Conditional Logic. 1) To add conditional menu: click "Conditional Menu" and select a menu from the list (you can create these menus in the "Edit Menus" tab) - You can remove the menu by selecting "Disable . If you don't know what conditional tag to use, check out the exhaustive Codex page of them. The plugin styles are already set up to load conditionally, but can be disabled from the plugin settings screen if you want to set up your own styles in your theme. Once you activate the plugin, you will see the conditional menus on the Manage Locations tab located in your WP Admin > Appearance > Menus page. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Disqus Conditional Load and click " Install now ". It includes some advanced features such as debugging of Ajax calls, REST API calls, and user capability checks. Lazy Load for Videos is a free WordPress plugin, and you can download it from the WordPress repository free of cost. Formidable Forms is the best WordPress Form Builder plugin. The plugin by Joel is amazing and it has reduced the load time for a specific page in my tests by 25 %! If your theme does a customized call to load the featured image (like the Twenty Seventeen theme), this plugin might not work! This plugin adds conditional logic to Contact Form 7. Disqus Conditional Load Pro is an advanced version of Disqus Commenting System for WordPress. ). Start by selecting an item in the navigation menu and click the 'Enable Conditional Logic' checkbox. Ninja Forms w/ the conditional logic Premium Extension. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Disqus Conditional Load and click " Install now ". Disqus Conditional Load is developed and maintained by Joel James, a software engineer from Kerala, India. Go to Settings -> Conditionally Load CF7, upload your fonts, and configure the settings. When I do this part, the script doesn't become work, but it's still loaded up in the page without any errors. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Disqus Conditional Load and click "Install now" Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of disqus-conditional-load.zip to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/. [This thread is closed.] or Log in to Create a Topic. For example, you might want to display your content only on iPhone and iPad, or you want to hide the content on mobile and tablet devices. Query Monitor is the developer tools panel for WordPress. For example, I have a contact form and I want to load its JavaScript only on contact page or I have a video page and the plugin that embeds the videos should be active only on that page. With regards to WordPress, there are a number of useful Conditional Tags built into the software that let us test for all sorts of scenarios. How to use it. Simply open your theme's functions.php file and add the following code at the bottom. Installing the plugin. USING FTP. After you have added the field group (s), click Save and go to the "Conditional fields" tab to create . With 1M+ of active installation, Autoptimize is the most popular lazy load plugin. Fluent Forms Pro. you can use is_page('my-page') or is_post(12) and so on.. Tweak: Multiple backward . EZ Form Calculator is another one of the best WordPress calculator plugins around. You can redirect old URLs to other similar posts based on title, post types, and categories or tags, or create a new custom URL. I really recommend this plugin to everyone who uses DISQUS and cares about performance and especially load time. Installing the plugin. they need a user, a taxonomy, etc.). In short, you can have different menus in different posts, pages, categories, archive pages, etc. Formidable Forms Pro. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. With the WordPress 5.5 release, you can set the environment type using a constant (typically in the wp-config.php file): You can then use the new wp_get_environment_type () function in the conditional code: If ( 'development' === wp_get_environment_type () ) { // run some dev only code } Ok, so let's get into this. Option to conditionally load scripts and styles only on pages that have images or galleries in post content. This reduces the number of HTTP requests mechanism and improves the loading time. Navigate to the "Upload" area. Conditional Content will load your content asynchronously even if your web page is heavily cached. I am trying to conditionally load a popup in Wordpress. Get WordPress; Search. In breve, puoi avere menu diversi in diversi articoli, pagine, categorie, pagine di archivio, ecc. Next is the location of the script; in this case inside a folder called JS inside our theme folder. Here they are in alphabetical order. Conditionally Loading JavaScript and CSS in WordPress Plugins. Contributors: Joel James Requires at least: WordPress 3.0 Tested up to: WordPress 5.7 Stable tag: 11.0.6. Handle: This is the 'sd_my_cool_script' portion. Short answer: Not with a plugin (nor with code in a theme). Conditional Tags usually work with PHP if / else Conditional Statements. Along with conditional fields Caldera Forms features auto responder, ajax and file uploads. I really recommend this plugin to everyone who uses DISQUS and cares about performance and especially load time. Conditionally Disable WordPress Plugins By URL. The plugin is quite advanced and applies the lazy load script on images. Conditional Blocks allows you to create unique content for your visitors and customers. Script for making legal blurbs clickable to display one at a time --> jQuery (document).ready (function () { jQuery (".legaltab").hide (); console.log ("legal script running"); var tprivacy = document . After that comes the version of the script. Descrizione. How to use it. It works with any WordPress theme that uses the standard WordPress menu function. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Disqus Conditional Load and click Install now . We begin by giving the script a "handle" by which it will be know by in WordPress. anprotokolo 2.1.5 (2022-05-22) Fully tested with Contact Form 7 version Installation. In some cases, you may want to only enable a plugin and load the relative files on some specific pages. Use a script/style-inspector function like the one below. Activa el plugin. (@askel45) Description Important notice. Select "conditionally-load-cf7.zip" from your computer. All you need to do is visit Appearance Menus and start editing your navigation menus. Scroll to the bottom of the page click the button to Save Changes. If you edit your CF7 form, you will see an additional tag called "Conditional fields Group". We're going to need to a if with a conditional tag. Now that we have the plugin handles, we can easily prevent these plugins from loading CSS and JS files on all pages and restrict them only to pages that we want by using the wp_dequeue_script() and wp_dequeue_style() functions as follows:. It also has shortcode support so you can put comments anywhere you'd like. The popup is configured in the plugin Popup Maker and has a CSS class of "popmake-2503". Break to show or hide an entire form section based on user behavior. This code adds wp_nav_menu_items wordpress hook. Description. You can combine register and conditional loading by leaving out the style / script parts in the register and load the according fontend files with enqueue_block_assets as in the code above. Some . Descrizione. 1) To add conditional menu: click "Conditional Menu" and select a menu from the list (you can create these menus in the "Edit Menus" tab) - You can remove the menu by selecting . The problem is these conditional tags are available after the query for the current url is parsed, and when that . Be creative, build templates with dynamic content - you can change blocks to be visble or hidden, grouped blocks and each nested block even reusable blocks! It lets you create estimation forms, cost calculators, and even payment forms for your website with ease and no coding. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Disqus Conditional Load and click " Install now ". I suspect that there was a temporary issue on the server e.g. Source: This is the location of the file we want to load. In today's test, I used the following 7 form plugins, as you can see from this screenshot. Using the visual drag and drop builder, you can add over 15 elements to your calculator, including date pickers, dropdowns, and checkboxes. Since all plugins reside in the same folder, and WordPress only loads the activated ones, it must have an array of Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 180 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. You will need to make sure to change 'mypage' to the slug of your page, 'script-name' to whatever you want to use as a unique name of the script, and '/path . Besides conditional logic, Formidable has all the form fields you need in a form builder. Normally, in WordPress, you use conditional tags to undestand in which post or page you are, e.g. Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin is a fully fledged WordPress gallery plugin with a powerful Drag & Drop Gallery Builder and Lightbox functionality that's used daily by more than 300,000 active . Update 1/2/2013: As of WordPress 3.3, it's now possible to call wp_enqueue_script () directly inside a shortcode callback, and the JavaScript file will be called within the document's footer. How to use it It does load plugins for a filetype iff you use :set filetype; In general, you always want to use :set filetype and not:set syntax, as syntax will only set the syntax highlighting, and not the indentation and other settings (e.g.

wordpress conditionally load plugin